Kadō Zigūrun zabathān unakkha...
And so the Wizard came humbled...
...Ēruhīnim dubdam Ugru-dalad...
...the Children of Eru fall under the shadow...
...Ar-Pharazōnun azaggara Avalōiyada...
...Ar-Pharazôn was warring against the Valar...
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...Bārim an-Adūn yurahtam dāira sāibēth-mā Ēruvō...
...the Lords of the West broke the earth with the assent of Eru...
...azrīya du-phursā akhāsada...
...so that the seas gushed into the chasm...
...Anadūnē zīrān hikallaba...
...Númenor the beloved fell down...
...bawība dulgī...
...the winds were black...
...balīk hazad an-Nimruzīr azūlada...
...the seven ships of Elendil eastwards...
Agannālō burōda nēnud...
The shadow of death is heavy on us...
...zāira nēnud...
...longing is on us...
...adūn izindi batān tāidō ayadda: īdō kātha batīna lōkhī...
...in the West there was once a straight road ; now all roads are crooked...
Ēphalak īdōn Yōzāyan.
Far away now is the Land of Gift.
Ēphal ēphalak īdōn hi-Akallabēth.
Far, far away now is the Downfallen.