Autumn. Tolkien’s first
poem in Elvish, published and discussed in
Vinyar Tengwar n° 40.
Sí qente Feanor
Now said Fëanor . A prose
text associated to the
Book of Lost Tales, published and
discussed in
Parma Eldalamberon n° 15.
– Poème publié dans
Les Monstres et les critiques, pp. 215-216.
The Two Trees
– A sentence reconstituted after Tolkien’s draft notes, published in
Vinyar Tengwar n° 27.
– Fragments of a lament on the downfall of
Sauron Defeated, p. 247.
The Lost Road p. 47 contains
similar fragments. Corresponding versions
in Adûnaic and
Old English can also
be found on this website.